Vote No Sitting

This is easy, just don’t do it. We are meant to be active. Sitting promotes laziness and low energy. Standing activates more muscles therefore stimulating more of your brain. Many of us have symptoms of ‘dead butt’. This is when our glutes turn off due to lack of stimulation. The lack of glutes can lead…

Vote Balance

If you can stand on one foot without touching the ground for 2 minutes, congratulations you are normal! Now I challenge you to attempt standing on 1 leg barefoot, but this time close your eyes. (Make sure something stable is around to grab onto just in case you get wobbly.) Can you make it to…

Choose Rows

When is the last time you heard someone say the phrase “Grow some pecs”? I really hope your answer is never. “Grow some backbone!” Now that is something we have all heard before. Our back is the foundation that so much of our body is built. Our back bone surrounds our spinal cord. For protecting…

Choose Posture

“Sit up straight. Don’t slouch. Stand up straight. Chin up and shoulders back.” We have all heard this over and over again throughout our lifetime from parents, teachers, coaches, and grandparents. Did you really listen though? Or did you correct it for 2 seconds while they were looking at you and then slowly settle back…